Why join?

The Pewter Society has a collection of books, journals, magazine articles and auction catalogues available for members to borrow.
More reasons to join the society
The Pewter Society consists of individuals, museums, academic institutions and historical societies from around the world, all interested in antique pewter, its makers and all aspects of its historical context. It is above all, a society of collectors, who come from all walks of life and whose interests cover the whole range of pewter wares.
What does the Pewter Society offer that you cannot obtain online or through other sources? A lot!
The Pewter Society Database of British & Irish makers and their marks is the most comprehensive record of its type. It supercedes all printed publications on the subject, is being constantly updated and it is only available to members! Carry the Database around with you via your mobile phone when visiting auctions, antiques fairs and antique shops.
The Pewter Society Journal is an internationally recognised publication produced twice a year containing articles on latest research by members and other aspects of antique pewter. Available only to members.
A biannual Pewter Society Newsletter with reports on meetings, auctions, society activities and lighter articles from members.
Three meetings a year, including a biennial AGM at Pewterers’ Hall in London where you have a chance to see the Worshipful Company's Collection and weekend meetings at locations across the country. Here you have the opportunity to listen to talks on a variety of subjects, view and handle lots of pewter and talk on an informal basis with other members, all happy to share their knowledge.
At the two main meetings, you can also buy and sell pewter and related books in the Society members’ auction.
Study visits to museums, etc. to view and handle reserve collections – visits have included The Fitzwilliam in Cambridge, the Mary Rose in Portsmouth, the Museum of London and the V&A in London
Membership is the very best way to increase your knowledge and enjoyment of antique pewter.
And all this for just £35 a year for Membership*
* Joint Membership for two at the same address £40 pa. Membership fee does not include meeting costs.