Database of pewterers

If it’s British pewter you are interested in then the Society’s Database of Pewterers can help you to identify the maker of your pewter or find out about a pewterer.
Most of the information about known British and Irish pewterers is brought together into one easily-searchable place. It includes their marks, hallmarks, dates, locations, wares, family trees, published sources and other information. You can make comprehensive searches for names, marks, locations and wares, and extract information about a pewterer.
The database was created by bringing together information that has been published in numerous sources over the last 100 years. It is now being expanded as a cooperative effort, with new marks and information coming in from members and the public all the time.Now with some 21st century pewterers.
It currently has around 12,000 marks and 20,000 pewterers. Compare that with the 2,850 marks and 6,150 pewterers in what had previously been the most comprehensive source available, Old Pewter by H H Cotterell and you will realise the extent of knowledge being developed.
Database statistics May 2024
- Number of pewterers 20,285
- Number of touches/labels 6914
- Number of touches/labels described 5,740
- Number of hallmarks 1,453
- Number of hallmarks described 1,320
- Number of sources 46,790
- Number of mark sources 6,356
- Pewterers with all records added 19,086
- Completed records checked 4,314