The Pewter Society

The Pewter Society was founded in 1918 as the Society of Pewter Collectors and is the second oldest society devoted to collecting specialised antiques.
The Pewter Society exists to stimulate interest in and appreciation of pewter and the many objects both utilitarian and decorative, made from this remarkable metal.
It does this by encouraging research into its history, manufacture and social context. Disseminating information through meetings, publications, exhibitions and other appropriate activities and advising on its care and conservation.
Whilst our membership includes several leading museums and institutions, most of our members are collectors. Some with large and varied collections and others with more modest and specialist ones.
The society has 2 two-day meetings a year, held at varying locations around the UK and running from Saturday lunchtime through to Sunday lunchtime. There are several talks at each meeting. In addition there is an opportunity for members to show and discuss their recent acquisitions and to seek advice on pieces of uncertainty. There is also an auction to allow members to sell surplus items from their collections.
Our AGM is held in the Pewterers’ Hall in London and is followed by a short meeting with 1 or 2 talks. This is a an excellent opportunity to see the Worshipful Company of Pewterers’ fine collection of both old and new pewter.
In addition we will normally have one other event during the year, such as a visit to a museum or a joint meeting with a sister society in another country.
We publish an illustrated Journal twice a year containing articles on pewter and its makers. Most of these articles are based on research conducted by our members. Recent Journals have included articles on early English flagons, Scottish tappit hens, pewterers who worked on Bristol Bridge and a 1758 guide to valuing pewter. Copies of the Journal are lodged in a number of libraries.
Journals, including both the current issue and back numbers, are only available to members of the Society and certain major national libraries and museums.
We also publish a newsletter twice a year. This contains reports of meetings, items of news and reports on sales of pewter.
Database of Pewterers
If it’s British pewter you are interested in then the Society’s Database of Pewterers can help you to identify the maker of your pewter or find out about a pewterer.
Most of the information about known British and Irish pewterers is brought together into one easily-searchable place. It includes their marks, hallmarks, dates, locations, wares, family trees, published sources and other information. You can make comprehensive searches for names, marks, locations and wares, and extract information about a pewterer.
The Database was created by bringing together information that has been published in numerous sources over the last 100 years. It is now being expanded as a cooperative effort, with new marks and information coming in from members and the public all the time.
It currently has around 6,783 marks and 17,741 pewterers. Compare that with the 2,850 marks and 6,150 pewterers in what had previously been the most comprehensive source available, Old Pewter by H H Cotterell and you will realise the extent of knowledge being developed.