
Pewter at the Royal Cornwall Museum
A fully illustrated and descriptive catalogue of 264 items of British pewter left to the Royal Cornwall Museum, Truro by Major John Richardson on his death in 1935. Contains at least 500 photographs, references, original purchase documentation, index of makers and index of ware types.
The Pewter Society, 2014 £10
The Museum of London's Pewter Collection
Hazel Forsyth and Jan Gadd with David Hall.A 237 page catalogue of the 391 pewter items in the core medieval and early modern items in the Museum of London's collection, fully described and illustrated.
Pewter Society July 2017 £15
If bought with the Pewter at the Royal Cornwall Museum the special price of £20 plus p/p
Scottish Pewter 1600-1850 by Peter Spencer Davies
The only previous book on Scottish Pewter was Ingleby Wood’s seminal work ‘Scottish Pewter Wares and Pewterers, published in 1904. Since then further items have been identified, but even more has lain unrecognised in reserve collections of museums, in heritage centres and in municipal archives. Past-President Peter Spencer Davies has spent six years of research, travelling the length and breadth of Scotland and now brings all of this new material together in what will be the standard reference work.
John Donald, Edinburgh 2014 £25
More titles available from the society
Pewter of Great Britain by Christopher Peal
Gifford, 1983, ISBN 0 7071 0635 4 £8
A good, and rather fuller, general guide.
Types of Irish Pewter by David Hall
ISBN 0-901777-46-3 Published June 2005 £6
This book supplements and updates the author’s earlier publication, Irish Pewter – a History and illustrates examples of virtually all the types of Irish-made old pewter and of Irish-style items made elsewhere for the Irish market.
The Richard Neate Touch Plates
ISBN 0 950865826 Published in 1996 £3
This book explains and illustrates the contents of the so-called Richard Neate touchplate of faked marks and two other fakers’ touchplates, and discusses Richard Neate.
Books on European Pewter Marks by Jan Gadd
ISBN 0 950865885 Published in 1999 £2.50
This booklet contains a comprehensive list of all the principal source books for European Pewterers’ touches, and analyses and comments on all these publications (except those for Great Britain and Ireland which are only listed).
Irish Pewter : A History by D.W.Hall
ISBN 0 950865818 Published in 1995 £6
This book provided the first modern, comprehensive review of pewter manufacture in Ireland and of Irish pewterers.
Pewtering in Bewdley by A.Holding and D.Moulson
Published in 1994 £3
This booklet was produced to accompany the permanent exhibition of Bewdley-made pewter in the local museum.
Pewter: Selected Tudor and Stuart Pieces
ISBN 0 9508650X Published by the Society and the Museum of London in 1983 £3
The booklet illustrates some of the Museum’s remarkable collection of Tudor and Stuart pewter from London.
An Introduction to British Pewter by David Moulson and Alex Neish
ISBN 1 858581028 £3
This 60 page book provides a good introduction to the subject. It was published in 1997 and is copiously illustrated with photographs of pieces from the Museum of British Pewter at Stratford-upon-Avon.
Candlestick Maker’s Bawle by Kenneth Gordon
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